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Certification of highway transport

Certification of highway transport is one of the mechanisms to ensure quality and safety on the transport service and product market.

"System of voluntary certification of highway transport (DS AT)" was created by Ministry of Transport of Russia - the governing body of a voluntary certification systems of highway transport (ROS) and successfully functioning  

By the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia from 15 July 2003 № AN-155-r Russian Road Transport Union is authorized to perform the functions of the Central Authority (hereinafter - COS) in the System of voluntary certification of highway transport, in accordance with the Regulations on the System of voluntary certification of highway transport (DS AT) .

DS AT system is focused on the certification of a wide range of objects of highway transport.

Currently in DS AT System there are 68 certification bodies in 46 regions that carry out the certification of:

- vehicle maintenance and repair  services (work);

- passengers transportation services by highway transport;

- Wheeled vehicles, their parts and pieces of equipment;

- transportation of dangerous goods by highway transport;

- Retail sales of motor vehicles, their parts and accessories.


Certification DS AT System is carried out in compliance with the regulations covering the entire spectrum of security requirements, human life and environmental protection, as well as the quality of service by highway transport.

In 2003 by order of the Russian Road Transport Union there was a development on the topic carried out by NIIAT: "Development of regulatory -methodological documents, ens          uring the implementation of the action plan for organizing the introduction of the System of voluntary certification of wheeled vehicles, their parts and pieces of equipment."

The following documents have been developed in DS AT System:

1. "Analysis and development of offers for improving the System of voluntary certification of road transport (AT DS) in the implementation of the system of voluntary certification of wheeled vehicles, their parts and pieces of equipment."

2. Organizational and procedural documents to improve DS AT System in part of the implementation of the System of voluntary certification of wheeled vehicles, their parts and pieces of equipment:

- "Requirements for experts of certification of wheeled vehicles, their parts and pieces of equipment in the DS AT System " including the "Indicative list of higher professional education specialties, relevant to specialization of experts of DS AT system on certification of wheeled vehicles, their parts and items of equipment ";

- "The curriculum for training candidates to be experts of certification of wheeled vehicles, their components and equipment and exam questions";

- "Requirements for testing laboratories (IL), carrying out the test (checking) for the purposes of certification of wheeled vehicles, their parts and pieces of equipment."

In order to ensure the necessary level of competence of experts carrying out the certification in DS AT System, the reliability of the results of the certification and the promotion of organizations active in the field of voluntary certification of highway transport, in the selection of competent experts, the Ministry of Transport of Russia - ROS DS AT System with the participation of Russian Road Transport Union - COS of DS AT System constantly holds special training of candidates to be experts and retraining ofother experts in the certification system on the basis of DS AT Training Center of Non-profit Partnership for Transport Facilitation "Transkonsalting."

Currently in DS AT System there are trained and certified as experts in the system of certification of the DS AT in the following areas:

- vehicle maintenance and repair  services (work) - 107 experts;

- passengers transportation services by highway transport - 57 experts;

- Wheeled vehicles, their parts and pieces of equipment by candidates to be experts - 7; 

- transportation of dangerous goods by highway transport by candidates to be experts - 8;

- retail sales of motor vehicles, their parts, assemblies and accessories: Experts - 2 and candidates to be experts - 5.

The objective of certification for 2004 is the improvement and development of the DS AT System by carrying out functions of the Central Authority of certification DS AT System by the Russian Union of highway transport, including work on:

- implementation of measures to promote voluntary certification of highway transport (DS AT);

- increasing the number of certification bodies and experts of DS AT System to provide a more complete coverage of the certification of transport services and products, including the regions where there are no certification bodies;

- introduction of new activities for DS AT system certification, including certification of wheeled vehicles, their parts and equipment and the transportation of dangerous goods by highway transport, as well as retail trade services of motor vehicles, their parts, assemblies and accessories;

- Participation in preparation and carrying out accreditation of organizations as certification bodies and accreditation of existing certification bodies on all of the directions of certification in DS AT System.


At the initiative of the RAS - COS DS AT System the recommendations to promote, implement and support DS AT System regions were sent by Ministry of Transport of Russia to the executive authorities of the Russian Federation (letters from 22.08.2003 № AK-5/221-is and from 08.12.03 № AN-7/1210).


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